What Laura McGoldrick discovered about cord blood banking
What Laura McGoldrick discovered about cord blood banking When the multi-talented Laura McGoldrick discovered she was pregnant with her first child, her journalist persona took over. To sort through the overwhelming amount of advice for new mums, Laura started asking questions. One of the things she wanted to find out more about was…
Pandemic baby bonus
Singapore is planning to give couples around NZ$3200 for any baby born in the next two years. It’s a response to Covid-19 as surveys have shown around a third of couples there are planning to delay starting or extending their families as a result of the pandemic. The one-off payment is designed to…
Why friend networks are so important
If your friends are friends you are likely to feel more supported. A study done by Ohio State University has found people whose friends and family know and like each other feel they have more social support. The study author, David Lee, says the more cohesive and dense your network of friends and family is,…
The power of parents’ love
While it is well understood parents often put their own relationship to the side to meet their children’s needs, it turns out that might not be the best approach. Using unique data from Nepal, researchers from the University of Michigan and McGill University in Quebec has found the affection between parents shapes their children’s…
Imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery
A six month old baby is smarter than you might think and can understand when adults imitate them. A new study from Lund University in Sweden has found six month old infants perceive imitators as more friendly. The babies in the study looked and smiled longer at an adult who imitated them as…
Blood test could diagnose baby brain damage just hours after birth
Scientists in London have developed a blood test which can detect which babies deprived of oxygen at birth are at risk of serious disabilities. The Imperial College team working with groups in India, Italy and the USA say the prototype test looks for certain genes being switched on and off that are linked to long…
New cord blood trial for spinal injury
New cord blood trial for spinal injury A clinical trial, using cord blood, lithium and physical therapy to treat the most severe forms of spinal cord injury has been given the green light from the FDA. The experimental treatment does not cure paralysis but is the first to help people with complete chronic spinal…
Cord blood joins the fight against Covid-19
Researchers are piloting the use of an umbilical cord blood therapy to help Covid patients battling pneumonia. The trial team at Monash Medical Centre in Melbourne is currently working with confirmed Covid patients who have moderate to severe pneumonia, until the end of the year. They are trying to find out if the cord blood…
Autistic youngsters helped by cord blood
We have the inside scoop from Duke University about a trial using cord blood infusions to improve the lives of very young autistic children. The Duke study wanted to find out if cord blood infusions were able to improve cognitive abilities in the children. Those tested received two infusions of cord blood in a six…
What does a pandemic smell like?
Apparently Covid-19 has a particular odour and sniffer dogs are being worked with in a number of trials around the world, showing huge early promise in sniffing out people with the virus. Germany is just one of the countries trialling sniffer dogs, the idea being dogs can be trained to pick up Covid…