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Dogs and kids – how they help

Dogs and kids – how they can help   With a growing body of evidence that dogs can assist children, especially with issues like anxiety, scientists at Oregon State University have found that dogs do synchronise their behaviour with children in their familes, but not as much as they do with adults.   The findings…


A baby’s remarkable cord blood gift to her grandfather

A baby’s remarkable cord blood gift to her grandfather                     Czech woman Lucie Pinova’s father was only 60 when he suffered a serious stroke in 2018.  His life was saved but he was left with paralysis of the right side of his body and lost his…


Prepping for a home birth…

  PREPPING FOR A HOME BIRTH…   38 weeks and we are feeling ready. I’m still working, but had my last client in the salon yesterday and starting to wind down which is really lovely. I’ve had a couple of people ask about what to prepare with planning to give birth at home so here…


Jazmyne van Gosliga: 6 weeks till our DD

6 weeks till our DD 🗓   I wanna chat about cord blood banking… It’s been super interesting the discourse around this topic in the last couple of days. I guess it’s like a lot of things with becoming a new parent or having another baby, you have to make the decision that is best…


Jazmyne van Gosliga: What 26 weeks looks like…

What 26 weeks looks like…   This week we received our Cordbank kit – After sharing it on my story and receiving a few messages about it, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to share our experiences with CordBank.   Since being pregnant with Saachi, I soon realized that the option of CordBank isn’t…


Unexpected discovery about stem cell immortality 

  Independent groups of scientists investigating telomeres and stem cells have reported what lies behind the immortality of stem cells – what a leading Australian researcher calls “the most unexpected result of my career”.   Telomeres are the protective caps at chromosome ends. In adult cells, telomeres shorten each time a cell divides and this…


Handwriting makes kids smarter

Here’s a warning for the digital age – children learn more and remember better when writing by hand. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology has found the brains of children more active when writing compared with typing. It’s been studied a few times and repeatedly found that handwriting gives the brains more “hooks” to…


A world first stem cell transplant for a tiny heart patient

  A U.S mother believes her son is alive today because of a world first umbilical stem cell transplant. Little Bennett Harbison was diagnosed before he was born in 2018 with hypo plastic left heart syndrome – a condition his mother Jennifer had never heard of. It means the left side of Bennett’s heart did…


Grandparents are big cost savers when it comes to childcare

  New research out of the UK has found grandparents have saved parents more than NZ$30 million in childcare fees.   Insurance company Ageas surveyed families and calculated around two thirds of the country’s grandparents regularly help with looking after their grandchildren for an average of 11.3 hours a week and saving each family around…


How long should you keep your child’s cord blood stored?

  The answer is indefinitely. Cord blood stem cells don’t have an expiry date and the chance of needing to use them increases with age. According to Frances Verter,  the founder of the international independent site – Parents Guide to Cord Blood Banking it doesn’t make sense to invest in the up-front collection and processing fees and then…

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