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‘The Business of Happily Ever Afters’ NZBusiness Mag

Many years into running my PR company, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I loved the clients, my team, and the media (mostly). But learning about cord blood banking set me on a new and unexpected path.  Now, 20 years after I co-founded CordBank Aotearoa’s first – and still only – cord blood bank. –…


Stem cells for glaucoma treatment?

Stem cells for glaucoma treatment? As March is NZ Glaucoma Awareness Month, it’s timely to recognise that around 2% of New Zealanders over 40 years of age have glaucoma –  a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve. Now, stem cells are being investigated as a possible treatment. Read more about this research…


Cord blood hope for prem babies

Cord blood hope for prem babies A first-of-its-kind study is underway to see if cord blood cells are effective in preventing premature newborns from developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) which is relatively common in preterm infants. BPD is a breathing disorder in premature infants where the infants’ lungs become irritated and do not develop normally. It…


Could cord blood help treat long COVID?

Could cord blood help treat long COVID? While we have been focusing on the weather emergencies here in New Zealand, COVID-19 is still very much around and we are hearing constant reports about the debilitating condition known as long Covid. Now, a Californian cord blood regenerative therapeutics company is about to enter phase two of…


20 years of CordBank NZ

Happy birthday to us! 20 years of CordBank NZ     2022 is a special year for us at CordBank: our 20th anniversary. Our co-founder, Jenni Raynish, reflects on the road she travelled to establish and grow the only service licensed to process and store cord blood right here in New Zealand.   “I first…


CordBank Celebrates 20 Years – Biz Today Interview

CordBank’s 20th Birthday – An Interview With Biz Today. Co-Founder and CEO Jenni Raynish joins Dominic Bowden on WellBeings, to celebrate CordBank’s 20th birthday. In this interview, Jenni reflects on why she co-founded CordBank here in New Zealand, the medical advancements of the last 20 years, and importantly why she wants all parents to know…


Preterm brain injury cord blood stem cell study

Preterm brain injury cord blood stem cell study   A PhD student at Monash University in Melbourne has been awarded the 2021 European Society for Paediatric Research Young Investigator Start Up Grant of 10,000 Euro for research on cord blood stem cell treatment for newborns with brain injury. Dr Lindsay Zhou is investigating the use…


Stem cell therapy for MS patients

Stem cell therapy for MS patients     Medical professionals are now using stem cells to treat multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is an autoimmune disease which causes the body’s immune system to attack different parts of the patient’s central nervous system such as the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve. Currently there is no cure…


Dogs and kids – how they help

Dogs and kids – how they can help   With a growing body of evidence that dogs can assist children, especially with issues like anxiety, scientists at Oregon State University have found that dogs do synchronise their behaviour with children in their familes, but not as much as they do with adults.   The findings…


A baby’s remarkable cord blood gift to her grandfather

A baby’s remarkable cord blood gift to her grandfather                     Czech woman Lucie Pinova’s father was only 60 when he suffered a serious stroke in 2018.  His life was saved but he was left with paralysis of the right side of his body and lost his…

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