Posts Tagged ‘palsy’
Irish parents urged to sue hospital over refusal to collect cord blood
A leading stem cell biologist has urged Irish parents who are refused the right to collect their babies’ umbilical cord blood for storage as future medical use, to sue the hospitals if their children later develop diseases such as cerebral palsy, stroke, and type 1 diabetes which can be treated with cord blood. Professor Colin…
Read MoreExpectant parents in NZ need to know more about cord blood benefits
Expectant parents need to know more about cord blood benefits. The founder of an international website dedicated to cord blood awareness has called for more education amongst expectant parents about cord blood banking, and launched a new information brochure to help spread knowledge. “I want all women to understand why cord blood must be preserved…
Read MoreA very small price to pay say NZ parents of cancer survivor after treatment with her own cord blood
In an article published recently in the Sunday Star-Times, a New Zealand doctor questioned the likelihood of the use and value of cord blood banking. In response, the parents of the child successfully treated with her own cord blood for a neuroblastoma, wrote to the paper to express their concern at the inaccurate information published.…
Read MoreExpat New Zealanders choose to bank in New Zealand while living in Singapore
When Danielle, now living in Singapore with her family, was due to deliver her second baby she was certain of one thing – she wanted her baby’s cord blood stored with CordBank in New Zealand. With the support of our efficient, international couriers, the process was seamless – here’s what the family had to say:…
Read MoreCord Blood May Help Repair Children’s Heart Defects
From Medical News Today: Stem cells from umbilical cord blood may provide the raw material to repair the hearts of thousands of babies born each year with defective heart valves, according to data presented at the recent American Heart Association annual meeting. Cardiologists from the University Hospital of Munich report they are about five years…
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